My Story

Thank you so much for visiting my website. And, thank you for giving me a moment to tell you about myself.

As a small child, I decided that I wanted to run for political office when I was older. While in college, I  worked on political campaigns to soak in as much information as I possibly could. While working on campaigns, the luster began to wear off of my dream.

My second love as a kid was cars. My uncle and my father both restored old cars. I thought that until I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, I could sell cars to make ends meet. By the end of my first year, I had gained some recognition, and my company asked me to become a sales mentor and trainer.

I began consuming books and audio series on sales and selling. I was heavily influenced by men like Zig Ziglar and Og Mandino. Consuming as much sales training as I could and having a chance encounter with the top salesperson, I began to achieve uncommon results in my sales profession. 

Later I felt the call to go to seminary and study theology. I decided to begin selling real estate instead of cars at that point. Real estate allowed me much more flexibility with my schedule. A couple of years later, my company asked me to build a new sales and recruiting department in my region. 20 years later, I still work helping salespeople reach their dreams by providing them the base skills they need to survive and flourish in this business

"Selling is nothing more than the transference of emotion. It is making your customer feel the way you feel about your product."

My Key Initiatives

Books, Blog, and Study Materials

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Online Courses

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Webinars and Live Content

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"The average person who embarks upon a sales career is quickly eaten by the wolves. Average people who have great ideas and start businesses are usually cast aside, and their ideas are taken by people with more ambition and used to make fortunes"

Ray Garrett, Jr. -Sales According to Paul Tweet

Why I Wrote: "Sales According to Paul"

I reconnected with my Christian faith while selling. The prayers began as a plea for guidance and evolved into prayers for divine providence. In that lean season of intensifying prayer, it finally dawned on me that I while studying philosophy in college, I read great philosophers’ works. And that since I started selling, I had read dozens of books on sales and sales strategy. Yet, having done all that reading, I had never read scripture cover-to-cover. I had a revelation to do just that and spent the next three months reading whenever I had downtime.

Reading the Bible for the first time all the way through cut me to the core. It changed my life direction, and I decided to embark on a spiritual journey that led me to seminary. While studying the New Testament (and simultaneously continuing my sales profession), I started to see many parallels between Paul’s methods to spread the Gospel throughout the ancient world and the sales skills I had accumulated over the years.

Salespeople are ardent consumers of sales instruction and self-help books. I owe a great deal of gratitude to people like Zig Ziglar, who wrote many sales instructional masterpieces. But arriving at profound spiritual connections mid-career, I realized that there is another book that I wish I had read as a beginner in sales… only that book didn’t exist yet. Ultimately, I decided to write down the truths and lessons that I wish I’d learned when just starting, and this book is the result of those efforts.