Creating a Buying State is the First Step to Making the Sale
In my book, “Sales According to Paul,” I outline a method that millions have used to share the gospel of Jesus Christ called, “the Romans Road.” The reason that so many have used the Romans Road is because it is concise way of sharing the gospel message using Scripture as reference. Here is an outline […]
Tailor Your Product Demonstration to Your Customer
As a salesperson, why would you want to tailor your product demonstration to your customer? Well, the question almost seems redundant if asked point-blank. Yet so many salespeople seem to do what I call, “Vomit the value proposition.” In other words, the product demonstration becomes like show-and-tell where the salesperson just runs down a list […]
Loving My Customer as Myself
The apostle Paul demonstrates how I might love my customer as myself when he talks about the great anguish that he has to reach his people for Christ. There are three types of love that a salesperson must have to build a lasting career in sales. The verse below illustrates one of those qualities, which […]
Asking the Right Questions
If any of us look close enough we are going to find areas in our life where we want something for ourselves but what we are doing currently to obtain it is not working. In fact, the essence of sales is helping people replace a process or product that isn’t working with one that will. […]